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Job Opportunities at Availxsoftware
Phone: 817-485-5658
Email: jobsposition @ ebt.net


Open Positions


We have several open positions.   We are always looking for those motivated by money (sales positions).   All positions require that you must be able to communicate effectively; work honestly; be a "team player."  You must have your own computer and high-speed (reliable) Internet access. For cusomter support positions, you simply need a large monitor and Internet access.
Programming positions require that you have access to a Windows based PC (Win7/Win8/Win10).

All positions have Sundays off, with most not working any weekends ever!

We have the following positions available. Please read the outline and requirements of each position, before submitting your resume:

TX, OK, KS - Work From Home - Customer Support Technician
Part-time, work from home.. Customer Support Representative. Great for stay-at-home-parents, college students.


If you have any questions, please contact us at
  jobpositions @ ebt.net